Welcome to the WeBeFit
Green Information Page
Want to save money, work less and live in greater comfort? We've been trying various GREEN solutions for more than a decade and we have some very concrete solutions to offer.
Between September 2007 thru July 2019, we've documented savings of approximately $6,826.92 each YEAR for a total savings of $82,923.04 over the last 12 years. PLUS that was based on the higher cost of eco-friendly equipment from 2007, most of which have dropped dramatically in price since we installed them.
- Our first priority is the comfort and convenience of our customers. Green solutions should never be inconvenient or ugly.
- The Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) should ultimately produce some sort of financial savings. Lower energy, sewer, water bills or reduced waste.
- Also acceptable are solutions that do the following.
- Significantly extend the life of existing products.
- Reduce work required of employees maintaining or replacing worn out items.
- Allow our facilities to operate through power interruptions, loss of water or during other emergencies.
We've put together a couple documents that include many of the things we do to save energy, reduce waste and lessen our impact on the environment. You can download them FREE by clicking HERE.
This document contains several pages of our saving ideas.
This spreadsheet contains several of the formulas we used to calculate our savings from switching to more efficient solutions.
If you have additional formulas you'd like us to include, please call or email us so we can update it and make it available to everyone.
Climate Change is certainly another very important reason to adopt green solutions. However, we realize rather than being an argument based on science, many people accept or reject climate science based on political party affiliation. There are several arguments that people use to justify their beliefs. To cut through the misinformation, we'd like you to read this article clearly debunking the myths surrounding global climate change. It was published by ABC Science and it's called: Have you got climate zombies? We debunk the myths that refuse to die.
Our review of the movie "Forks Over Knives."
Keys Energy Services (KEYS) now offers rebates for qualified, energy-efficient products like solar water heaters, programmable thermostats, clothes washers, refrigerators, and central air conditioners.
These are living documents. We update them constantly as we discover better ideas. Now we'd like to hear from you. If you have "green" ideas you're using, selling or promoting that you think would help us, please let us know!
Send your email suggestions to: Info@WeBeFit.com or call us at (305) 296-3434.
Green Certifications
On January 10, 2016 we received an email from the City of Key West about the Green Business Bureau (GBB). Apparently the city of Key West made an arrangement to give Key West Businesses 90% off the price of enrolling in the Green Business Certified Program from the Green Business Bureau. That reduced the price from $375 per year to $37.50.
We signed up for one simple reason, to find additional ways we could make our business more sustainable. We have found over the years, that when we choose "green" solutions, we tend to save money, time and provide better solutions to our customers.
A simple example are light bulbs. Traditional bulbs (incandescents) get hot. They use a lot of power. They have to be replaced every couple of years. They do nothing, but turn on and off.
Smart LED lights use 10% of the power. They produce far less heat. They can be programmed to change colors depending on what's happening, such as shift changes, to respond to outside lighting conditions or to change the mood in your business throughout the day. Plus they only have to be replaced once every 7-10 years, depending on use.
We've found green solutions almost always provide those kind of benefits, if you look hard enough. That's why we signed up.
After completing the survey, we qualified for the highest level of "platinum". That's the seal you see at the top. We saved the list of things you should do and are working on implementing some of the new ideas they presented. However, we will NOT be continuing to pay the fee to be a member. The reason is simple. The vast majority of customers don't care.
If you are a business owner, you should NOT approach green ideas as a way of attracting new customers. You'll be disappointed. You SHOULD look at it as a way to improve your bottom line, reduce labor and provide a better experience for customers.
Call for a FREE Consultation (305) 296-3434
CAUTION: Check with your doctor before
beginning any diet or exercise program.
Updated 4/9/2011
Updated 4/3/2012
Updated 5/1/2014
Updated 1/12/2016
Updated 3/8/2017
Updated 7/29/2019
Updated 10/29/2019
Updated 11/14/2020
Updated 3/21/2023
Updated 12/16/2024