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Logical Fallacies

Logical Fallacies
Strawman is an informal fallacy.

Logical Fallacies are a failure in the argument that comes from a flaw in reasoning. Sometimes it's a trick or a misrepresentation of facts to hide the truth.

There are formal fallacies that happen within the way the argument is formed. The conclusion cannot be reached if you start with the premise. Examples include the bad reason fallacy, quantification fallacies, propositional fallacies and syllogistic fallacies.

And there are informal fallacies where the premises do not support the conclusion of an argument. There are lots of these, including the Ad Hominem, the appeal to nature, circular reasoning, proof by verbosity and 40 more.

Learn about all the different types of

logical fallacies at: logicalfallacies.org

The following videos are from Paul Henne - Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Lake Forest College. He researches causal and moral reasoning, the judgments associated with these reasoning processes, and the moral and political decisions that result from them. He is also the Associate Director of Wireless Philosophy.

Ad Hominem

What Makes a Valid Argument?

Correlation and Causation

Formal and Informal Fallacies

Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc

Fallacy of Division

Fallacy of Composition

Overview of Logical Fallacies

This video is from GCF Global. For almost 20 years, the GCFGlobal.org program has helped millions around the world learn the essential skills they need to live and work in the 21st century. From Microsoft Office and email, to reading, math, and more— GCFGlobal.org offers more than 300 topics, including more than 6,000 lessons, more than 2,000 videos, and more than 50 interactives and games, completely free.

Every Logical Fallacy Explained in 11 Minutes

Foolacy - Logical Fallacies
How people cheat in arguments (you too).


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Updated 7/10/2022
Updated 7/23/2022