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Pictures from Frank Romano and Joe Liszka's Life

Joseph Liszka - One Year Old
Joseph Liszka - One Year Old

Joseph Richard Liszka, Jr. - Address:  5051 Wilson Ave - Parent's name: Florence & Joseph Liszka - Baby's weight 32lbs - Color of Hair Dark Blonde - Height 33  1/2 inches - Birthday: February 9, 1930 - The photo was taken at eighteen months.
Joseph Richard Liszka, Jr. - Address: 5051 Wilson Ave - Parent's name: Florence & Joseph Liszka - Baby's weight 32lbs - Color of Hair Dark Blonde - Height 33 1/2 inches - Birthday: February 9, 1930 - The photo was taken at eighteen months.

Joe 1st Communion.
Joe 1st Communion.

Joseph Liszka - 3rd from the left standing.
Joseph Liszka - 3rd from the left standing.

Frank Romano as a young man.
Frank Romano as a young man.

Frank Romano in the Military
Frank in the Military - Photograph by Lewis Regelman

Frank Romano in the Military.
Frank Romano in the Military.

6th June 1957 Graduation- New York University.  Capt Burke Frank.  The New Second Lieutenants:  Bob Ruscando, C.J. Sullivan, Donald Post, Allan Hochbery, Ralph Versteeg, MArty KAtz, Joe Schutt, Bernie Schwartz, Rosenberg, Walter Mario. - If published kindly credit Lewis Regelman Tel OL 8-9154 Reorder No. 45142.
6th June 1957 Graduation- New York University. Capt Burke Frank. The New Second Lieutenants: Bob Ruscando, C.J. Sullivan, Donald Post, Allan Hochbery, Ralph Versteeg, MArty KAtz, Joe Schutt, Bernie Schwartz, Rosenberg, Walter Mario.
If published kindly credit Lewis Regelman Tel OL 8-9154 Reorder No. 45142.

Frank Romano - Dimaano Photographer, 104 West 64th Street N.Y. 23, N.Y.  West of Broadway Tel,, Trafalcar4-C410.
Frank Romano - Dimaano Photographer, 104 West 64th Street N.Y. 23, N.Y. West of Broadway Tel,, Trafalcar4-C410.

Frank Romano and the camp mascot. He made every formation, Had a better attendance record than any cadet. He was also the best tiger.
Frank Romano and the camp mascot. He made every formation, Had a better attendance record than any cadet. He was also the best tiger.

Lt. Romano "greeting" the new arrivals at Summer Camp.   Air Force Photo released by Ethan Allen AFB Winooski Vermont. Photograph by Lewis Regelman.
Lt. Romano "greeting" the new arrivals at Summer Camp. Air Force Photo released by Ethan Allen AFB Winooski Vermont. Photograph by Lewis Regelman.

Off the Gold Standard - at last Department of Defense. Silver bars stapled to Frank's shirt by Lt. Col. Stevemen Guam, August 1952.
Off the Gold Standard - at last Department of Defense. Silver bars stapled to Frank's shirt by Lt. Col. Stevemen Guam, August 1952.

View of Frank's office on Guam on the day he made 1st Lt.  August 1952
View of Frank's office on Guam on the day he made 1st Lt. August 1952

Frank Romano in the Military
Frank Romano in the Military.

Joe Liszka - 1948 Prom, date was Helen
Joe Liszka - 1948 Prom, date was Helen

Joseph Liszka in the Navy
Joseph Liszka in the Navy

Joe Liszka
Joe Liszka

Joe selling Caterpillar
Joe selling Caterpillar

Joseph Liszka - 1962 Caterpillar advertising manager.
Joseph Liszka - 1962 Caterpillar advertising manager.

To Dream the Impossible Dream Signed by Joe.
To Dream the Impossible Dream Signed by Joe.

Joseph Liszka and his Mother:  Photo by Robert 4333 N Western Ave. Cornelia 0933  Chicago 18, ILL.
Joseph Liszka and his Mother: Photo by Robert 4333 N Western Ave. Cornelia 0933 Chicago 18, ILL.

Joe Fishing
Joe Fishing

Key West Aloe building in the beginning days.
Key West Aloe building in the beginning days.

Key West Aloe show room.
Key West Aloe show room.

Key West Aloe Show Room decorated for Christmas.
Key West Aloe Show Room decorated for Christmas.

Frank at Key West Aloe
Frank at Key West Aloe

Frank and Joe at Key West Aloe - Photo by Wright Langley 821 Georgia St. Key West, Fl. 33040

Frank and Joe at Key West Aloe - Photo by Wright Langley 821 Georgia St. Key West, Fl. 33040 305-296-3156

Frank at Key West Aloe
Frank at Key West Aloe

Frank at Key West Aloe
Frank at Key West Aloe

Frank at Key West Aloe
Frank at Key West Aloe

Joseph Liszka testing products at Key West Aloe.
Joseph Liszka testing products at Key West Aloe.

Joe in front of Key West Aloe.
Joe in front of Key West Aloe.

Frank Romano Key West Aloe's CEO and Chairman of the Board.
Frank Romano Key West Aloe's CEO and Chairman of the Board.

Joe Liszka
Joe Liszka

Joe Liszka
Joe Liszka

Joe Liszka
Joe Liszka

Key West Aloe President Joseph Liszka presents Capt. Warren Lipscomb Jr., Commander of the Navy's newest submarine U.S.S. Key West, a gift pack with Key West Aloe products at a recent Pier House reception.  Key West Aloe provided gift packages for all 140 officers and crew members when the sub visited its namesake city.
Key West Aloe President Joseph Liszka presents Capt. Warren Lipscomb Jr., Commander of the Navy's newest submarine U.S.S. Key West, a gift pack with Key West Aloe products at a recent Pier House reception. Key West Aloe provided gift packages for all 140 officers and crew members when the sub visited its namesake city.

Frank Romano - Photo by Charles Howard, 145 East 52nd St. New York
Frank Romano - Photo by Charles Howard, 145 East 52nd St. New York

Frank and Joe 1976 - Photo by Wright Langley 821 Georgia St.  Key West, Fl. 33040 305 296 3256.  Key West 1976
Frank and Joe 1976 - Photo by Wright Langley 821 Georgia St. Key West, Fl. 33040 305 296 3256. Key West 1976

Frank Romano, Vice Chairman Monroe County Tourist Development Council.
Frank Romano, Vice Chairman Monroe County Tourist Development Council.

Joe Liszka
Joe Liszka

World Cruise 1991, Queen Elizabeth 2
World Cruise 1991, Queen Elizabeth 2

Joe receiving the Honorary Conch Award.
Joe receiving the Honorary Conch Award.

Joe and Frank
Joe and Frank

Frank and Joe
Frank and Joe

Joe and Frank - October 1987
Joe and Frank - October 1987

Joe Liszka
Joe Liszka

Frank and Joe - September 1996
Frank and Joe - September 1996

Joe With Butterfly.
Joe With Butterfly.

Frank Romano examining one of the African granaries reproduced for display at the museum.  April, 99.
Frank Romano examining one of the African granaries reproduced for display at the museum. April, 1999.

Fantasy Fest 2000 "Circuses and Sideshows" with Joe and Frank.
Fantasy Fest 2000 "Circuses and Sideshows" with Joe and Frank.

Fantasy Fest 2000 "Circuses and Sideshows" with Joe and Frank.
Fantasy Fest 2000 "Circuses and Sideshows" with Joe and Frank.

Frank Romano, Joe Liszka and Daniel Reynen 2007
Frank Romano, Joe Liszka and Daniel Reynen - 2007

Joe Liszka Meeting President Obama
Joe Liszka Meeting President Obama

Joe Liszka Meeting President Obama
Joe Liszka Meeting President Obama

Tony Falcone, Joe Liszka and Frank Romano.
Tony Falcone, Joe Liszka and Frank Romano.

Joe Liszka, Frank Romano and Tony Falcone.
Joe Liszka, Frank Romano and Tony Falcone.

Joseph Liszka's 60th Birthday Party.
Joseph Liszka's 60th Birthday Party


Joe and Frank
Joe and Frank

Picture of Frank Romano, used by the Citizen Newspaper. Photo by Mike Hentz.
Picture of Frank Romano, used by the Citizen Newspaper. Photo by Mike Hentz.

Frank and Joe
Frank and Joe

They were loved by so many! We will miss them.